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Prepping for a Successful Newborn Session

The first few days of a baby's life are so magical and incredible!
Babies do very well in the studio for posing when they are in a very deep sleep.
To encourage this I recommend, a little stimulating to baby at least two hours before your scheduled
arrival, a warm bath always does the trick.

Please ***No Onesies, they wake up when removing one.
Very important, even if your doctor says to wait on Pumping. I prefer this, - please pump a full bottle of breast milk to bring along. Please no caffeine or coffee for 48 hours before your session. That includes sport drinks.

***Newborn sessions are recommended to be done well before 2 weeks of age (preferably
between 3-8 days for girls. Boys 5-8 days. ) This is when they are still in that sleepy and curly stage.
After two weeks of age, they tend to be disturbed more easily while sleeping and it is not as easy to get those true newborn poses we all like. They can also become colicky or baby acne can start to flare.

In order to ensure that the newborn session runs as quickly and as smoothly as possible,
Please follow these steps:

1. If nursing, try to avoid eating anything spicy (pizza, hot sauce, etc) or anything
that will cause gas and might upset baby's tummy for 48 hours preceding your scheduled session.
A gassy baby will not pose well during the session due to their little tummy being upset.
***Some other foods that may cause gas are dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, pudding,
cream, or any food that has milk, milk products, casein, whey, or sodium casein it, as well as foods with caffeine,
soy, fish, peanuts, chocolate, wheat, beef, nuts, eggs, corn, or citrus fruits (Courtesy Baby Center & Modern Mom Parenting).
***If baby happens to be gassy the day of your session, Oval or Gripe Water can be
used to help ease baby's discomfort.

2. Interact with and keep baby awake for before your session to ensure he/she is good and sleepy for the session.
Please your discretion is advised on this. Sometimes without this, we spend too much time getting them to sleep and
not as much time photographing them.
***Stimulating baby with a bath or by doing 'naked time' prior to the session are some tricks that you can use!

3. ***Please make sure your little one has a full belly for the session. Please feed baby just before you leave for the studio.
I have many clients who arrive at the studio saying that they gave baby a small feeding about 45 minutes ago and need to feed baby upon arrival. Baby usually wakes up during this feeding at the studio and has trouble falling back into a deep, restful sleep. If baby is bottle feeding, please bring extra bottles and milk (formula or breast milk) - (babies work up quite the appetite being constantly moved around in the warm studio).
Also, baby should be fed as much as possible in the 12 hours that precede the session. This will allow for baby to sleep as deeply and as long as possible. *A full baby = a sleepy baby, and we need a very sleepy and calm baby in order to achieve the sweet, flexible poses you see in my portfolio. I may ask you to ignore a strict feeding schedule for the 2.5 hours at the session. The only way we will achieve calm, flexible poses is if baby is fully satiated and sleeping. I would rather have you give baby an extra feeding than have you worry that baby isn't sleeping and we're missing out on some cute poses.

4. Dress baby in loose fitting clothes to avoid any lines on baby's skin and to also avoid disturbing baby when getting
undressed. A simple sleeper is best. Please avoid ***Onesies*** or anything that has to be pulled off over baby's head.
***Your newborn may be photographed in his/her birthday suit during the session but we pay careful attention to ensure
baby bits are not exposed in any photos. Clothes tend to be bulky and awkward.

5. Bring a pacifier – they can be very helpful during the session!

6. The studio will be kept warm, in order to keep your little one warm while being photographed. For moms and dads attire,
I recommend dressing in layers, so that you are more comfortable.

Let's make that session appointment today!

Visit my Facebook Page: moments2photo